Find Your Happy Place... Mental Health Awareness Week 2020 Day 4

Mummy & Daughter time!

Whilst some of us are hiding out in our bathrooms/bedrooms/cars/under the bed/behind the curtains...anywhere to escape our beloved 'little people' for a few brief minutes during lock-down; FMF Team Member and Mummy to the adorable Hallie (21 months) Jasmine, melts our hearts with these super cute photos & words!

Jas says:

"The best thing helping me with my Mental Health through lock-down has been taking long, beautiful scenic walks, with my little girl. Spending time with Hallie has also made me realise that you are never too old to need your Mum - I have been talking to my Mum lots! Speaking with her, even if it's just to say 'I'm having a bad day, Mum', or if I'm struggling with my motivation at the moment with everything that's going on; getting everything out of my mind by sharing my feelings really helps. "

Jas babe, we hear you, we love our Mummas too!

Whether you're a lock-down Mum in hiding desperate for a few minutes peace, or a Mum that's feeling contented in quarantine; we respect and love you all! Keep going - you're doing great :)